Monday, March 3, 2008

AC Electric Generation

A system showing a fuel buring to heat water, causing the steam produced to turn the turbine, which connected to a generator creates usable energy in the form of AC- alternating current- electric.

Below is a close up of the generator itself. The steam turn the turbine connected to a coiled wire cylinder by a rod, the coils surrounded by magnets to create the electro magnetic field, which is send down the wire(or path of least resistance) to the electric grid.

It should be noted that all turbine production of electricity is in the form of AC. All household appliances and everything you plug into a regular outlet runs on AC power.
However, things that use batteries- cameras, phones, iPods, etc, will convert the AC power coming from the wall into DC power in order to charge the batteries.
There are only two methods to create DC- direct current- electric- from batteries and from solar PV(photovoltaic) panels. Please feel free to comment on the limits of either of those below.

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